In it for the long run.

Coaching runners by considering both the athlete and the individual.

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Method & principles

It all begins with your motivation, your ambition and your individual nature as both an athlete and as a person. Together, we'll map out a training structure that matches your goals with your lifestyle, physiology and psychology. Finding a rhythm that you enjoy is a key aspect in the set up of our collaboration. This is your training and I’m here to guide you along the way. A solid training program is at the foundation of each plan, but that’s just the start. To realise your athletic potential many other factors than the training program come into play and will be considered.

Who I work with

I work with all types of athletes - from beginners, mid packers to high level performers who like to run the road, trails or both. Your experience level doesn't matter, it's your motivation to nail your endurance goals that does! Having a set goal can be a great place to start from, but that isn’t a requirement. I can help you get fit or back in the game without having a race on the calendar. As long as you're committed to put in the work and eager to learn where running can take you, then I'm happy to collaborate and guide you along the way .

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“To pass on my learnings and guide runners in their athletic development is a natural evolution of my own journey as an athlete”

About me