About me

Hi, I’m Arne

I'm an endurance athlete with a deeply rooted passion for outdoors sports. I started pinning bibs in my early childhood at local school races and those early days of competition is where I caught the bug. Running and cycling are my window to the world and my way to connect with myself and my surroundings. I run both trails and tarmac, and I like to switch things up with road and gravel riding. As long as it involves moving outside, count me in!

I consider myself a student of the sports I practice, and I’ve learned that the training puzzle can be hard to figure out on your own. By trail and error I’ve experimented with different training philosophies, won some, lost some, and slowly figured out my method.

To pass on my knowledge and guide others in the exploration of their potential is a natural evolution of my own journey as an athlete. Navigating my way in the coaching landscape is an ongoing process and I am constantly learning from my athletes, studies and other coaches.

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A solid training program is the foundation of each plan, but that’s just the start.

The training program is just a piece of the puzzle. To realise your athletic potential many factors come into play. I'll teach you how to tune into your own body, so you can train more intuitively and effectively. You are simply more than a random collection of numbers!